Read the latest news around egg donation and hear inspirational stories from women who have donated their eggs.
What does it take to be an egg donor?
Read our Q&A with a recent egg donor to learn what it takes and what you can expect if you’re interested in becoming a donor. Getting pregnant or staying pregnant isn’t the same process for everyone. From Denver to Colorado Springs, Fort Collins to Vail, and everywhere in between, many hopeful parents need the help…
Dobbs Decision & The Impact on IVF
On Friday, June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark decision that will devastate access to safe and effective abortion procedures. This means other reproductive rights, such as contraception and access to fertility treatment, are also in jeopardy for millions of Americans. Dobbs v. Jackson Woman’s Health Organization came before the Supreme Court…
Be an egg donor today! Help someone else.
Getting or staying pregnant isn’t easy for everyone. For many people across Colorado and the U.S., the road to having a family starts with a known or anonymous unidentified egg donor helping them have a family. Unfortunately, there’s a shortage of women aged 21-33 who are willing to be egg donors. If you’ve been thinking…

Join the thousands of anonymous egg donors who have selflessly helped build families.