Egg donor eligibility
We are actively seeking inspired and empowered women ages 19-33 years old to donate their eggs for patients in need.

We are actively seeking inspired and empowered women ages 19-33 years old to donate their eggs for patients in need. Anonymous Egg Donors are compensated up to $7,500 for their time and effort and can donate up to six times. Qualifications to become an egg donor include:
- Healthy women 19 to 33 years old
- No significant personal or family history of medical/health conditions
- No significant personal or family history of mental health conditions
- No recent travel to Zika virus regions or current Coronavirus infection
- BMI between 19-29
- Non-smoker
- No Drug Use for 12 months (No marijuana for 3 months)
- Regular periods
- No body piercings or tattoos for 12 months (unless using sterile technique)

Join the thousands of anonymous egg donors who have selflessly helped build families.