Frequently Asked Questions
Becoming an egg donor is a big commitment and we want to make sure that all of your questions are answered.
What is the financial compensation?
Qualified egg donors can make up to $7,000 for the first egg retrieval cycle and $7,500 for future cycles. Egg donors may donate up to 6 times for a total of $44,500.
How long does the egg donation process take?
Each and every egg donation cycle is different, but on average the entire process from testing to egg retrieval is typically 3 months.
Are there side effects to the stimulation medication?
There are risks associated with all medical procedures, but those associated with egg donation are relatively low.
The injectable hormones prescribed during the donor egg cycle are similar to the hormones that your body naturally produces. A condition called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is another rare, but notable risk to patients.
The Donor Team will review all associated risks and answer all of your questions during your consultation.
How many times can I donate?
You can donate up to 6 times if approved by your doctor.
Qualified egg donors can make up to $7,500 per egg retrieval cycle. Egg donors may donate up to 6 times for a total of $44,500.
Am I responsible for any medical costs?
No, all of your medical costs throughout the egg donor process are covered by Colorado Egg Donation.
Will I be donating anonymously?
Yes, throughout the egg donor process your information is safe, secure, and anonymous.
Although, we cannot guarantee complete anonymity, due to the nature of social media, advancements in genetic technologies, and possible changes to laws in the future.

Join the thousands of anonymous egg donors who have selflessly helped build families.